Hill AFB Deer Hunt

Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) are one of the many wildlife species found on Hill Air Force Base (HAFB). Without proper management of the population, mule deer could exceed the carrying capacity of their habitat on Base and become a safety issue for the installation. Hunting is an invaluable tool that allows resource managers to maintain the population at a healthy size. HAFB provides the opportunity to harvest a limited number of male and female deer to maintain a healthy population. 

Permit Acquisition Overview

In order to hunt deer on HAFB, hunters need to first obtain a Utah Division of Wildlife (UDWR) general-season buck deer permit or antlerless doe deer permit for a hunt that includes HAFB within its boundaries. These permits are available through an application process on the UDWR website typically in March-April for bucks, and May-June for does. In addition to acquiring a Utah deer permit from the UDWR, hunters also need to obtain a HAFB deer hunt access voucher. These access vouchers are available through an application and selection process on this website in June-July. Only archery equipment can be used to harvest deer on HAFB.

Additional Details

In order to hunt a buck during the First Season on HAFB (August 16 - September 12) you must have a general archery buck permit for the East Canyon unit (DB1604). In order to hunt a doe during the First Season on HAFB (August 16 - September 12) you must have an antlerless deer permit with hunt boundaries that include HAFB, for example DA1027. In order to hunt a buck or doe during the remaining seasons on Base, any Utah general archery buck permit will qualify by utilizing the Extended Archery Hunt (DB0008). Click here to learn more about the Extended Archery Hunt.  For more information on how to obtain a UDWR permit, please visit their website


Next, one can apply for a HAFB archery deer hunt access voucher from Sunday, June 1st, 2025 through Sunday, July 20th, 2025. Successful applicants will be notified via email on Thursday, July 24th, 2025. Additional information about the HAFB Archery Deer Hunt is available below and on the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Application Process

Successful applicants must complete the following to participate in the 2025 HAFB Archery Deer Hunt 

Hunt Provisions

  1. Adhere to all UDWR Hunting Provisions, such as legal hunting distances from roads, buildings, etc.
  2. Carry active DoD-issued identification card or be accompanied AT ALL TIMES by a HAFB sponsor.
  3. Hunting hours are 30 minutes before official sunrise until 30 minutes past official sunset each day.
  4. Hunting will only be allowed within the designated hunting zone which is located on the eastern edge of HAFB (see maps OverviewNorth ZoneSouth Zone).
  5. If hunting in the BORTA a hunter is REQUIRED to contact the 75 SFS BDOC prior to hunting. The hunter will need to provide them with his/her name, and phone number, Utah Archery tag number, vehicle license plate number, and the general area they will be parked. They will also need to contact the 75 SFS BDOC when finished and have left the area. (801) 777-3056/3507
  6. A hunter is only allowed to hunt during the hunter's assigned dates.
  7. Hunters must report hunting results within five business days following harvest of a deer, or within five business days of the end of their hunting period if no harvest occurs. Failure to report results will disqualify hunter from future HAFB hunts.
  8. No off-highway vehicle usage allowed. (Motorcycles, 4X4, 4X6, ATV's etc.)
  9. Please be courteous when cleaning/butchering harvested deer. Do not leave unused animal parts where they will be observed by HAFB personnel performing their daily duties. 
  10. While it is not illegal to conduct "deer drives," please take extra care to be mindful of other hunters and personnel on HAFB. Using drones or dogs, driving deer that are actively being hunted by others, or being more aggressive than might be considered 'within reason' will make you subject to wildlife and/or hunter harassment penalties. 
  11. Hunters are restricted to archery equipment on Hill Air Force Base (as described in http://wildlife.utah.gov/hunting-in-utah/hunting-information/big-game.html).
  12. The HAFB access voucher does not allow you to harvest a deer in addition to your UDWR archery deer hunting permit.
  13. Only harvest a buck that meets the antler tine restriction defined for your hunt. A tine (point) is a projection that's longer than 1", measured from its base to its tip.   
    1. Two Point Buck Hunt: Both antlers have a maximum of two tines. Eye guards do not count as tines. A buck no longer qualifies for this hunt when either antler has more than two tines. 
    2. Three Point Buck Hunt: Both antlers have a maximum of three tines. Eye guards do not count as tines. A buck no longer qualifies for this hunt when either antler has more than three tines. 
    3. Mature Three-Plus Buck Hunt: One antler has a maximum of three tines, the other antler can have any number of tines. Eye guards do not count as tines. A buck no longer qualifies for this hunt when both antlers have more than three tines. As long as one antler has three or fewer tines, the buck qualifies for this hunt. 
    4. Any Buck Hunt: Allows a hunter to harvest any buck regardless of the number of points on either antler.  

Projected Permits to be issued in 2025

16 Aug 2025 - 12 Sep 2025 

16 Aug 2025 - 12 Sep 2025

  4-7 permits 

  4-7 permits

    2 Point Buck

    Doe Only (must have antlerless permit for this season)

13 Sep 2025 - 05 Oct 2025

13 Sep 2025 - 05 Oct 2025

  4-7 permits

  4-7 permits

    3 Point Buck

    Doe Only

06 Oct 2025 - 31 Oct 2025

06 Oct 2025 - 31 Oct 2025

  4-7 permits

 4-7 permits

    2 Point Buck

    Doe Only

01 Nov 2025 - 30 Nov 2025

01 Nov 2025 - 30 Nov 2025

01 Nov 2025 - 30 Nov 2025

  1-2 permits

  1-3 permits

 5-10 permits

    Any Buck

    Mature Three-Plus Buck

    Doe Only

If you have additional questions please contact the Natural Resource Office: Jace Taylor, 509.981.5764; jace.taylor.2@us.af.mil or Nicholas Brown, 801.777.7652; nicholas.brown.105@us.af.mil with any additional questions and/or comments.